2014 Fresh Takes staged reading at No. Six Depot in West Stockbridge; photo by Enrico Spada
2014 Fresh Takes staged reading at No. Six Depot in West Stockbridge; photo by Enrico Spada

Will Call #3 — “Fresh Takes” Series from WAM Theatre

April 10, 2015

PLUS: Book Talk with Tela Zasloff and Civil War Perspectives by Charles Dew, “Our Hearts Opening,” by Glenn Smith

2014 Fresh Takes staged reading at No. Six Depot in West Stockbridge; photo by Enrico Spada
2014 Fresh Takes staged reading at No. Six Depot in West Stockbridge; photo by Enrico Spada















“Book Talk with Tela Zasloff”

A shorter show this week, but a great one. We speak first with Tela Zasloff, founder and editor of the Greylock Independent about her show, “Book Talk with Tela Zasloff” on “Willinet,” Community Television for Williamstown.

Booktalk with Tela Zasloff, with guest, author Charles Dew; photo courtesy Community Television for Williamstown
Booktalk with Tela Zasloff, with guest, author Charles Dew; photo courtesy Community Television for Williamstown


2015 “Fresh Takes” Staged Readings from WAM Theatre

Then we turn our attention a bit southward and speak with Molly Clancy, artistic associate at WAM Theatre, who is curating the 2015 “Fresh Takes” staged reading series that takes place at No. Six Depot Roastery and Cafe in West Stockbridge beginning this month.

Now in its second season, Fresh Takes Staged Readings will occur on the following Sundays at 3 pm: April 19, May 17, June 14, August 16, and September 13. The first series last year sold out, and whetted audience appetites for more professional readings of plays that explore the lives and experiences of women and girls. Each reading is followed by a talkback with the actors and director.

Tod Randolph will direct "Silence," by Moira Buffini; submitted photo
Tod Randolph will direct “Silence,” by Moira Buffini; submitted photo

WAM Theatre Artistic Associate Molly Clancy is curating the 2015 series. “The Fresh Takes readings are very intimate in the wonderful art gallery space at No. Six Depot,” Clancy explained, “The post-show discussions are conversational, like a book club. We really want to create that dialogue with our audience and get to know them better. And we want to show what kind of theatre WAM produces, even during months when we don’t have a major production scheduled.”


Molly is also the Publicity and Playbill Director at Shakespeare & Company in Lenox. If you heard about a performance at 70 Kemble Street, there’s a good chance that it’s because Molly got the word out.

All of this year’s plays were penned by living, female playwrights and include the 2012

Moira Buffini's 1999 "Silence" won the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize; submitted photo
Moira Buffini’s 1999 “Silence” won the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize; submitted photo

Pulitzer Prize winner “Water by the Spoonful” by Quiara Alegría Hudes, directed by Clancy. The June reading, “Noms de Guerre,” will be part of the Lift Ev’ry Voice Festival and playwright Jacqueline E. Lawton will be in the Berkshires to participate.

Based in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, WAM Theatre was co-founded in 2010 by Canadian director, actor, educator, and producer Kristen van Ginhoven to create professional theatrical events for everyone, with a focus on women theatre artists and/or stories of women and girls.
WAM Theatre also has a philanthropic mission, inspired by the book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, and donates a portion of the proceeds from its theatrical events to organizations that benefit women and girls.
Over the past five years, WAM Theatre has donated more than $15,000 to seven nonprofit organizations and provided paid work to more than 100 theatre artists. In addition to the main stage productions and special events, WAM Theatre’s activities include a comprehensive educational outreach program and the Fresh Takes Play Reading Series. For more information, visit www.WAMTheatre.com

New Music “Our Hearts Opening,” by Glenn Smith

This delicate and cyclical guitar piece comes to us from a Northampton musician, thinker, and massage therapist. Give it a listen, and consider buying a copy of the CD or digital download at either CD Baby (which has supported indie musicians for many years) or through the Greylock Glass’s affiliate link with Amazon.com (wherein your purchase helps support this site).

CD Winter Warming, by Glenn Smith available through the Greylock Glass's affiliate link to Amazon.com
CD Winter Warming, by Glenn Smith available through the Greylock Glass’s affiliate link to Amazon.com


Much, much more of Glenn’s music can be discovered by visiting his website, soundseeds.com



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