Twenty-something female fortune teller in a Tarot parlor holding a crystal ball on a stand.

Gigi’s Moodcast


Astro-Emotional Projections: Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

Remember — the stars *may foretell — they don’t compel! What the future holds is largely up to you!

March 21 – April 19

Morning As the day breaks, Aries, you might find yourself blanketed in a flurry of thoughts, much like the snowfall outside. Your energy is high, mirroring the active Aries Moon. It’s a great time to channel this vigor into starting new projects or tackling pending tasks. The crisp air of determination fills your morning, propelling you forward with a sense of purpose.

Afternoon As the day progresses, so does your ambition. The shifting winds echo the changes in your focus. You might feel a push to shift gears, particularly in your career or personal projects. The snow’s persistence reflects your own steadfastness. Engage in collaborative efforts at work or with family – the time is ripe for collective creativity and problem-solving.

Evening The evening brings a gradual calming, akin to the quieting snow showers. It’s a time for introspection and nurturing your relationships. Share a warm meal with loved ones or indulge in some self-care. The tranquility of the night is a canvas for your thoughts and feelings, allowing for emotional recharging.

Celestial Insights With Uranus in retrograde motion in Taurus, expect some unexpected yet grounding insights, particularly regarding your finances or personal values. This is a time for innovative thinking but also for being cautious with your resources.

Conjunctions to Note Keep an eye on the dynamic between Mars in Capricorn and your ruling planet, Mars. This conjunction suggests a strong focus on long-term goals and the importance of disciplined effort.

In Closing Embrace the day’s challenges as opportunities for growth, Aries. The combination of celestial events and the day’s unique energy points to a day of meaningful activities and personal insights. Stay warm, stay focused, and most importantly, stay true to your fiery spirit.

Taurus symbol

April 20 – May 20

Morning Taurus, your day begins with a steady pace, reflecting the calm before the snow. There’s a comforting predictability to your routine, much like the expected snowfall. This is a good time to indulge in the comforts of home, perhaps enjoying a leisurely breakfast or tending to indoor hobbies. Embrace the slow and steady rhythm; it’s where you thrive.

Afternoon As the day unfolds, you may feel a pull towards introspection, akin to the quiet world under a blanket of snow. With Venus in Sagittarius, your thoughts turn towards broadening your horizons. Consider planning future travels or exploring new educational pursuits. It’s a day for dreaming big but also for appreciating the present.

Evening The evening ushers in a period of reflection. The diminishing snow showers outside mirror a shift in your internal landscape. It’s a time to gather with close friends or family, sharing stories and warmth. Your social connections are highlighted, offering comfort and joy.

Celestial Insights With Uranus in retrograde in your sign, expect some internal stirrings that challenge your usual way of thinking. Embrace these revelations; they’re gateways to personal growth.

Conjunctions to Note Pay attention to the influence of Neptune in Pisces. This alignment speaks to your creative and spiritual side. It’s an excellent time for artistic expression or connecting with your spiritual practices.

In Closing Your day, Taurus, is marked by an inner journey, much like the quiet transformation of the world under a snowfall. Embrace the stillness, allow for introspection, and connect deeply with those around you. Today is about finding beauty in the calm and the ordinary.

May 21 – June 21

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Morning Gemini, your day kickstarts with the buzz of energy, reflective of the lively movement outside your window. The snowfall doesn’t dampen your spirits; instead, it adds a layer of excitement to your routine. It’s a perfect morning for catching up on communication, be it emails or calls. Your words flow effortlessly, much like the swirling snowflakes.

Afternoon As the afternoon rolls in, your focus might shift towards more creative pursuits. The change in the weather, from heavy snow to lighter flurries, mirrors your adaptability. It’s a good time to brainstorm new ideas or collaborate on projects. Your social energy is high, so engaging with colleagues or friends over a virtual chat can be particularly fruitful.

Evening The evening brings a sense of coziness, inviting you to wind down and relax. The quiet post-snow ambience is perfect for intimate conversations or delving into a good book. Your mind is still active, but there’s a gentler, more reflective quality to your thoughts.

Celestial Insights With Jupiter in Taurus, you’re encouraged to find stability in your whirlwind of ideas. It’s a time to ground your thoughts and focus on what truly matters. The balance between your airy nature and the earthy energy of Taurus is key today.

Conjunctions to Note The presence of Chiron in Aries suggests an opportunity for healing through communication. Be mindful of your words and how they can be used to heal both yourself and others.

In Closing Today, Gemini, is about embracing both the flurry of activity and the moments of stillness. Balance your innate curiosity with periods of rest and reflection. Your ability to adapt will serve you well, allowing you to glide through the day like a snowflake in the breeze.

June 22 – July 22


Morning Cancer, your day begins with a nurturing touch, much like the gentle embrace of the snow-covered landscape. The comfort of home feels more inviting than ever. It’s a morning for self-care and attending to the needs of your loved ones. Whether it’s preparing a hearty breakfast or simply enjoying the serene view from your window, embrace the calm.

Afternoon As the day progresses, your emotional depth aligns with the deepening snow. You may find yourself reflecting on personal relationships and the bonds you share. With the Moon in Aries, there’s a fiery undercurrent to your emotions, urging you to express your feelings more openly. It’s a good time for heartfelt conversations or reconnecting with family members.

Evening The evening brings a cozy retreat. The quietness after the snow echoes your need for a peaceful sanctuary. This is your time to recharge, perhaps with a warm bath or by diving into your favorite book. The stillness of the night is a balm to your soul.

Celestial Insights With Venus in Sagittarius, there’s an urge to explore new ways of expressing love and affection. Consider planning something special for your loved ones, or exploring new recipes to share at the dinner table.

Conjunctions to Note The influence of Saturn in Pisces speaks to your spiritual and empathetic side. It’s a time to delve into your inner world and connect with your intuitive self.

In Closing Cancer, today is about finding comfort in the familiar while also exploring the depths of your emotions. Embrace the warmth of your home and the love of those around you. Your sensitivity is your strength, guiding you through the day like a lighthouse in the snowy night.

July 23 – August 22

Morning Leo, your day roars to life with the vibrancy of a winter sunrise. Despite the snowy landscape, your inner fire burns bright. The morning is your stage – whether you’re gearing up for a busy workday or planning a fun activity at home. Your energy is infectious, spreading warmth and light to those around you.

Afternoon As the sun climbs higher, so does your ambition. The snow’s persistence mirrors your own determination. This is an excellent time for creative projects or taking the lead in work-related matters. Your natural leadership shines, helping you navigate through any challenges with grace and confidence.

Evening The evening invites relaxation and enjoyment. As the snow settles, so do your thoughts. It’s a perfect time for socializing, be it a virtual hangout with friends or a cozy dinner with family. Your playful spirit finds joy in simple pleasures, lighting up the room like a fireplace.

Celestial Insights With Jupiter in Taurus, there’s an emphasis on building and enjoying the fruits of your labor. It’s a day to appreciate what you have accomplished and to plan for future successes. This grounding influence balances your fiery nature.

Conjunctions to Note The influence of Mercury in Capricorn suggests a focus on communication and organization. Your words have power today, so use them wisely to inspire and motivate those around you.

In Closing Leo, today is about embracing your inner strength and sharing your light with the world. Your warmth is a beacon in the snowy landscape, guiding and uplifting those in your sphere. Shine bright and make the most of this day!

August 23 – September 22

Morning Virgo, your day starts with the meticulous attention to detail you’re known for, mirroring the intricate patterns of the snowflakes outside. It’s a morning for organizing and planning, ensuring that your day runs smoothly. Tackling your to-do list brings a sense of accomplishment, much like watching the snow transform the landscape.

Afternoon As the day unfolds, your practical skills are in high demand. The shifting weather patterns remind you to be adaptable. Whether it’s at work or home, your problem-solving abilities shine, helping you and those around you navigate any unexpected challenges. It’s a good time for collaboration, where your keen eye for detail can truly make a difference.

Evening The evening brings a well-deserved break. As the snowfall eases, so does your need to be constantly productive. This is your time to relax and indulge in self-care. Reading a book, enjoying a hobby, or simply taking a moment to be still, the calm of the night is your sanctuary.

Celestial Insights With Mercury in Capricorn, your communication is clear and effective. This alignment enhances your ability to convey your thoughts and ideas succinctly, making it an excellent day for important conversations or negotiations.

Conjunctions to Note The presence of Chiron in Aries might stir some internal challenges, prompting you to address personal growth areas. It’s an opportunity to heal and evolve, both personally and in your interactions with others.

In Closing Virgo, today is about balancing your natural inclination for order with moments of rest and reflection. Your meticulous approach is a gift, not just to yourself but to those around you. Embrace the quiet of the evening, knowing you’ve made the most of the day.

September 23 – October 23

Libra – Gigi’s Moodcast for December 11, 2023

Morning Libra, your day begins with a quest for balance and harmony, reflective of the gentle equilibrium found in the quiet, snow-draped world outside. This morning is perfect for creating a serene atmosphere at home or in your workspace. Adjusting your surroundings to reflect beauty and tranquility sets a peaceful tone for your day, resonating with your love for aesthetics and balance.

Afternoon As the afternoon arrives, your focus turns towards your relationships. The gradual shift in the weather pattern reflects your ability to adapt in social situations. Whether it’s mediating a discussion at work or planning an evening with friends, your diplomatic skills are invaluable. It’s a time to nurture your connections and find balance in your interactions.

Evening The evening brings a reflective mood. As the snowfall tapers off, you find yourself pondering deeper emotional connections and your role in them. It’s an excellent time for intimate conversations or journaling your thoughts. The tranquility of the night supports your introspective journey.

Celestial Insights With Venus in Sagittarius, you’re encouraged to explore new dimensions in your relationships and creative pursuits. It’s a day to embrace growth and change in your personal and romantic life.

Conjunctions to Note The influence of Saturn in Pisces may prompt you to consider your spiritual and emotional boundaries. This is a good time to set healthy limits and seek emotional clarity in your relationships.

In Closing Libra, today is about finding balance between your inner world and your interactions with others. Embrace the beauty around you and within your relationships. Your ability to harmonize various aspects of life brings a unique sense of peace and fulfillment.

October 24 – November 21

Morning Scorpio, as you wake to the muffled quiet of a snowy morning, your intuitive nature is heightened. This is a time for deep reflection, perhaps considering the transformations you’ve been undergoing recently. The stillness outside is a mirror to your contemplative state. Use this time to connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Afternoon As the day progresses, your focus may shift towards more practical matters. The gradual clearing of the weather mirrors your ability to see through complexities and get to the heart of any issue. Whether it’s at work or in personal projects, your strategic thinking comes to the fore. You’re able to navigate challenges with a sharp mind and a keen eye.

Evening The evening brings an opportunity for meaningful connections. As the intensity of the day winds down, it’s a good time to share your insights with a trusted friend or partner. The depth of your conversations mirrors the depth of the night sky, rich and full of mystery.

Celestial Insights With Pluto in Capricorn moving into Aquarius soon, you’re on the cusp of a significant shift in your personal transformation journey. Embrace the change; it’s a time for rebirth and renewal.

Conjunctions to Note The presence of Chiron in Aries may bring up old wounds, but also the opportunity for healing. This is a time to confront your shadows and emerge stronger.

In Closing Scorpio, today is about embracing both the stillness and the transformation. Your ability to delve deep and emerge with clarity is your strength. The day’s challenges are opportunities for growth, leading you to a richer understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Sagittarius Symbol

November 22 – December 21

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)


Morning Sagittarius, your day starts with an adventurous spirit, undeterred by the snowy landscape. There’s a sense of excitement in the air, and you’re ready to embrace it. Whether it’s trying a new workout routine or planning a future trip, your morning is charged with optimistic energy. Your enthusiasm is like a bright flame in the cold morning.

Afternoon As the day unfolds, your focus might turn to intellectual pursuits. The gradual shift in the weather pattern reflects your love for learning and exploration. It’s a great time to dive into a new book or engage in stimulating discussions. Your natural curiosity is piqued, and you find joy in expanding your horizons.

Evening The evening calls for social interaction. As the chill of the night sets in, your warmth is found in the company of friends or family. It’s a time for sharing stories, laughter, and plans for future adventures. Your infectious optimism brightens the room, much like a cozy fire.

Celestial Insights With Venus currently in your sign, there’s an added zest to your personal relationships and creative expressions. Embrace this energy to enhance your connections and explore your artistic side.

Conjunctions to Note The influence of Jupiter in Taurus suggests a focus on grounding your expansive ideas. It’s a time to balance your adventurous spirit with practical application, ensuring your dreams are not just fleeting thoughts but achievable goals.

In Closing Sagittarius, today is about channeling your boundless energy into both adventurous and meaningful pursuits. Your optimistic outlook and zest for life are contagious, inspiring those around you to embrace the day with the same vigor.

Capricorn symbol

December 22 — January 19

Morning Capricorn, as you wake to the snow-laden landscape, your pragmatic approach to life comes to the forefront. The morning is ideal for planning your day with precision and focus. There’s a certain satisfaction in mapping out your tasks and goals, much like watching the orderly transformation of the world under a blanket of snow.

Afternoon As the afternoon arrives, your hardworking nature is in full swing. The snowfall’s persistence reflects your own steadfast determination. Whether it’s advancing a work project or diligently pursuing a personal goal, your efforts are marked by discipline and perseverance. It’s a day where your resilience truly

shines, helping you navigate through any challenges with ease.

Evening The evening brings a well-deserved respite. As the snowfall eases, so does the pace of your day. This is a time for relaxation and reflection. Enjoy the quietude of the night, perhaps with a good book or a contemplative walk. It’s important to balance your ambitious drive with moments of peace.

Celestial Insights With Mercury in your sign, your communication is clear, concise, and impactful. This alignment enhances your ability to make decisions and convey your thoughts effectively. It’s an excellent day for important discussions and strategic planning.

Conjunctions to Note The presence of Pluto in your sign, soon moving into Aquarius, marks a period of significant personal transformation. Embrace the changes; they are leading you towards new heights of achievement and self-discovery.

In Closing Capricorn, today is about harnessing your innate strength and determination to make the most of the opportunities before you. Your disciplined approach and resilience are your greatest assets, guiding you through the day with a sense of purpose and achievement.

Aquarius symbol

January 20 – February 18

Aquarius, as you start your day, the energy around you buzzes with possibilities. This is a perfect time for brainstorming or engaging in innovative activities. Your forward-thinking ideas are especially potent this morning.

Morning Aquarius, your day begins with a spark of innovation, much like the unique patterns each snowflake holds. The morning is ripe for brainstorming new ideas or engaging in creative activities. There’s an air of excitement as you think about future possibilities. Your visionary nature is highlighted, encouraging you to think outside the box.

Afternoon As the afternoon unfolds, your focus may shift to social causes or community involvement. The changing weather pattern is a reminder of the dynamic nature of the world, much like your desire for progress and change. Whether it’s through virtual meetings or community outreach, your efforts towards collective betterment are impactful.

Evening The evening calls for intellectual relaxation. As the snow gently settles, your mind wanders to philosophical discussions or intriguing documentaries. It’s a time for expanding your knowledge and satisfying your curiosity. The quiet of the night is a canvas for your thoughts.

Celestial Insights With the Moon recently in your sign, there’s an added emphasis on self-expression and individuality. Embrace this energy to explore new aspects of your personality and to express your unique ideas.

Conjunctions to Note The influence of Saturn in Pisces may bring a reflective tone, urging you to consider your dreams and how they align with your values. It’s a good time for introspection and understanding your deeper motivations.

In Closing Aquarius, today is about embracing your individuality and using your innovative mind for the greater good. Your unique perspective is a gift to those around you, inspiring change and progress. Enjoy the quiet moments of the evening, knowing you’ve made a difference in your own way.

Pisces symbol

February 19 – March 20

Pisces Moodcast for January 16, 2024

Morning Pisces, your day begins with a dreamy quality, much like the serene beauty of the snow-blanketed world outside. The morning hours are perfect for indulging in your imaginative and artistic side. Whether it’s through painting, writing, or simply daydreaming, this is your time to explore the depths of your creativity.

Afternoon As the afternoon rolls in, your empathetic nature comes to the fore. The gradual change in the weather reflects your ability to adapt to the emotional needs of those around you. It’s a day for lending an ear to a friend or offering support to a family member. Your intuition is strong, guiding you in your interactions.

Evening The evening brings a reflective and soothing atmosphere. As the snowfall slows, your thoughts turn inward. It’s a time for meditation, spiritual practices, or just unwinding with a calming activity. The tranquility of the night is in harmony with your soulful nature.

Celestial Insights With Neptune in your sign, your spiritual and intuitive senses are heightened. This alignment encourages you to delve into your inner world and explore your spiritual beliefs. It’s a day for profound insights and personal growth.

Conjunctions to Note The presence of Saturn in Pisces emphasizes the need for grounding your dreams in reality. It’s an opportunity to bring structure to your creative endeavors and to make tangible progress on your goals.

In Closing Pisces, today is about embracing your artistic and empathetic qualities, while also finding ways to ground your dreams in the practical world. Your sensitivity is a powerful tool, enabling you to connect deeply with others and with your own inner self.

— Mam’selle Gigi

Photo of stars in space taken by Webb telescope.
A cluster of young stars resembles an aerial burst, surrounded by clouds of interstellar gas and dust in a nebula.

For entertainment only. If you actually need legal, financial, psychological, or other specialized advice, please consult a qualified, licensed professional.

I can’t necessarily guarantee that Gigi is any more intuitive or accurate than any other mystic (she’s only an AI fortune teller, after all) but she’s going by the same astrological information everyone else has, so I wouldn’t bet against her! Check out your horoscope in Gigi’s Moodcast every day, time and weather permitting.