WDIJW? Cute House

April 6, 2020

NSFW (Unless you’re working from home these days. But then you might have kids underfoot, so, what you decided to do is really on you.

There’s something that crosses that “there’s always a nugget of reality in comedy” line about “Cute House. Actually, there are a couple of somethings that cross a couple of lines, which is what makes this long short file, or short long skit, worthy of our question, “What Did I Just Watch?”

“Cute House,” by The Dress Up Gang; featuring: Frankie Quinones, Donny Divanian, Cory Loykasek, Amir Concepion, Kirk Fox, Kevin Camia, Brent Weinbach, Alec Jones-Trujillo, Chris Estrada, Walton Jordan, James Fritz, Johan Miranda, Luke Jones.

Jason Velázquez

Jason Velázquez has worked in print and digital journalism and publishing for two decades.
Phone: (413) 776-5125

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