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It’s been a super busy week here at the Greylock Glass. Most of what I’ve been doing has been preparing for some really amazing developments that are cooking. Between phone calls and interviews and tweaking the tech side of this circus, I haven’t had time to do much actual writing. Or even passing along all the great information that people have been sending my way.
It’ll calm down. Actually, no it won’t, but maybe I’ll dust off some of the project management savvy that used to get me through roller coaster rides like this. All you need to do is keep sending me suggestions and sharing our offerings with friends. Oh, and maybe subscribe to the podcast through iTunes and leave us a review. That would definitely help!

We start off this episode with highlights from the Berkshire Family Focus “Weekend Lowdown,” with Kelly Bevan McIlquham, founder and editor of Berkshire Family Focus, THE go-to resource for all things family fun and information in the Berkshires. Kelly and I are plunging in to our own media collaboration each week here on Top Left Corner, where she’ll be offering up an abbreviated audio version of her Weekend Lowdown. This week, she prepares us for an explosion of high school musicals! Obviously we can’t possibly discuss all the opportunities for families in 15 minutes, so make sure you visit Berkshire Family Focus to get the full scoop!

A stroke of pure luck brought us through the time warp back to 2005 when I was hosting a different podcast and had just discovered the band Jaded Mandolin. While that group has since disbanded, the members are busy with solo projects. Molly Pinto Madigan, the silver-throated leading lady of the erstwhile folk/roots combo, has JUST released (like, last week) a new CD, “Wildwood Bride.” Molly invited me to share a track from this collection with you, and I had a tough time deciding between them all.

At first listen, I find the scope of the work to be grand, soaring between epic, aggressive, and dramatic down to humble and vulnerable. I’ll listen a few more times and maybe update this note.
For now, why not go buy a copy of the CD or digital download at either CD Baby or through the Greylock Glass’s affiliate link with Amazon.com (wherein your purchase helps support this site).
Finally, we speak with Michael Gallagher of Square Roots Farm about CSAs, the North Adams Farmers Market, and an event coming up this week, “Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food.” On his 185 acre farm in Lanesborough, he’s cultivated some healthy ideas about agriculture in the 21st Century.