Problem Solvers…ish #5 — Naughty Bytes and Netiquette: think before you click that pic of your…

March 23, 2016


NSFW: Naughty, Bawdy, and oh Lawdy! Nobody asked to see that!

Guys, unless the object of your affection specifically asks for naughty pics, texting those graphic graphics of your privates is NOT cool!

Our caller relates a sad, but familiar, tale of hooking up with a fellow, digitally, who seems at first blush (or maybe before first blush) rather nice. But then even before she gets to meet him for a cup of coffee, ZING! Into her chat window pops a dick pic.

Emergency eye wash device collapses for easy storage in purse; submitted photo—apologies to the clever soul who came up with this tragically appropriate meme.
Emergency eye wash device collapses for easy storage in purse; submitted photo—apologies to the clever soul who came up with this tragically appropriate meme.

Seth and Lex reach down into the depths of their softer sides (be glad this is radio, people), to search for a solution to this train wreck of misguided romantic overtures. Emotions are explored! Confessions are revealed! Bad fake accents follow genuine ones!

Get ready for our mostest no hold-est barred-est episode yet!

What’s YOUR Problem?

Every week Seth Brown and Lex Friedman tackle a listener submitted problem. It could be any kind of issue—family, career, love, religion, political. Doesn’t matter! Seth and Lex are equally unqualified to address ANY of your troubles.

BUT, that doesn’t mean they won’t try. And it doesn’t mean they might not solve your problem by accident! Just Skype click the link in the sidebar to access our web-based voice-messaging system. Or, if you’re bashful, e-mail it to us at problems<at>

At your request, we will “Anonymize” your voice, making is less likely that your boss will recognize that it’s you complaining about her peculiar bathroom habits and tendency to stalk you on social media.

Problems dealt with on a “funniest-come, first-served basis.” Real Debbie-downer issues like death, IRS audits, and that sink hole swallowing up your carport? The may take a lonnnnng time for us to get around to. Just leave a voice message by clicking the picture in the side bar of the girl on the party line!


Break-out session: Introverts and Extroverts on social media; submitted photo.
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