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Letter to the Editor: Act Today for Strong Climate Legislation – Mass Legislature Deadline Looms!

July 19, 2022

This coming Monday marks the FINAL DAY we have the opportunity to pass veto-proof climate legislation in Massachusetts! Thanks to YOUR activism, we have made progress on our legislative priorities and now ORMA and our allies need one strong push to demand passage of our key legislative goals! 

A strong climate bill; an end to Dirty BioMass; Protecting Public forests; and Clean Solar are all within our grasp! 

We need you to:

  1. send three emails to the legislature
  2. send three Tweets
  3. join the Mass Power Forward coalition at the State House Monday at 11 am for a final demonstration to push legislators to pass a strong climate bill this session.

ACTION 1: Stop Subsidies for Dirty Biomass!

The Massachusetts state legislature has bills before them right now that will stop biomass from accelerating the climate emergency. Click here to email letters to the Conference Committee telling them to remove biomass from the list of non-carbon-emitting energies and to end ratepayer-funded subsidies for biomass.

If you’re on Twitter, send out this sample Tweet:

@JeffRoy @TackeyChan @RepBradJones @CindyCreem @BarrettSenate @SenBruceTarr Biomass pollutes! Take it off the clean-energy list and end ratepayer subsidies! #DirtyBiomass #EndBiomassDelusion #BiomassIsNotGreenEnergy #ForestDefenseIsClimateDefense

ACTION 2: Protect Forests & Carbon Capture! Support H.4784!

Forest protectors have been fighting to end “clear-cut” logging and misguided “Forest Management” on public lands for years. Now, H.4784 accomplishes many of these goals, including a moratorium on forest “management” activity–no cutting! Click here to email letters to the MA House Ways and Means Committee telling them to favorably report H.4784 out of committee.

If you’re on Twitter, send out this sample Tweet:

@RepMichlewitz @am_ferrante @repdonato – Forests reduce the Climate Crisis. Protect MA forests! Pass H.4784! #SaveMAForests #EndLoggingOnPublicLands

ACTION 3: Keep Solar Clean! Tell Reps to PASS H.4331!

Click here to email letters to the TUE Committee telling them to favorably report H.4331 out of committee. Solar is a crucial renewable energy source. But if solar panels are sited in ways that cut acres of forest, pollute aquifer water sources, or damage fragile biodiversity environments like wetlands or the Pine Barrens, then the solar produced by those panels is not a clean, green power source.

If you’re on Twitter, send out this sample Tweet:

@JeffRoy @RepPaulMark @BarrettSenate@MarcRPacheco @JakeForSenate @Jo_Comerford Keep Solar Clean! Regulate industrial solar to require environmentally responsible siting. Pass H.4331! #KeepSolarClean #SaveMAForests

ACTION 4: Be @ State House; Monday, July 18. Bring an Umbrella!

Join us with the Mass Power Forward Coalition at the main entrance to the State House at 10:45 am, and then ascend to the third floor of the State House by the Senate President and Speaker of the House’s offices. Bring an umbrella to remind legislators that climate change is already here! The action will go on until 1 pm.

A House-Senate Conference Committee has until the end of July to negotiate a reconciliation of their clean energy and climate bills into one package and move it to the floor of both chambers for a vote. JOIN US in person, and let them know how important this is!

When we organize, we win!

ORMA Climate Crisis/Green New Deal Working Group

[email protected]

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