Scroll down to use a map or calendar to locate food resources.
NOTE: If you feel sick, believe you may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), or have been in close contact with people who may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus DO NOT appear at any emergency food location. Instead, call or e-mail the organizer to ask if delivery options exist to have a meal or groceries brought to you.
Please submit info about your organization’s food resources via this form.
PLEASE BE AWARE that information on about available food resources is changing on a daily basis. Check back often, as we are updating this page constantly. Also, if a phone number is provided, you may want to call the organization to double-check availability.
Some emergency food resources included on this page may have limitations or conditions, such as age-restrictions, residency-requirements, or special instructions (you may have to call the day before, for example).
Select one of the “Categories” to display food resources by North- , Mid-, or South County, or by type of resource.
[ai1ec view=”monthly” cat_id=”5354″]
North County: City of North Adams and the Towns of Adams: Cheshire, Clarksburg, Florida, Hancock, Lanesborough, New Ashford, Savoy, Williamstown, and Windsor
Mid-County: The City of Pittsfield and the Towns of Becket, Dalton, Hinsdale, Lee, Lenox, Otis, Peru, Richmond, Stockbridge (including the villages of Glendale & Interlaken), Tyringham and Washington
South County: Towns of Alford, Egremont, Great Barrington, Monterey, Mount Washington, New Marlborough, Sandisfield, Sheffield, and West Stockbridge
Click on map pins or use horizontal scrollbar below to preview emergency food locations.
[mapmarkers id=”40957″ category=”5349″ order_by=”title” order=”ASC” map_style=”standart” panel_position=”bottom” title=”Emergency Food Locations” is_search=”true” theme=”standart” is_toggle=”true” is_filter=”true” /]
Other Food Programs
Elder Services’ Elder Nutrition Program
Meals are for homebound Berkshire seniors who are 60 years of age or older. A suggested donation of $2.00 per meal is requested. Individuals under 60 years of age are welcome for a required fee of $7.00 per meal. Call Elder Services of Berkshire County for information and locations at 413-499-0524 or 1-800-981-5201.
Take and Eat Program
A program for individuals 60 years of age and older who are homebound, unable to prepare meals, shop, or get out. Contact Kathleen Ryan at 413-672-1404 or 413-664-1041 for information.
Our Sincere Thanks
Many institutions, both public and private, are responding to the COVID-19 crisis with heroic and well-coordinated efforts to attend to the urgent needs of local residents. They Greylock Glass salutes them with deepest gratitude.
(Since program hours and days can change without notice, please call the location to be sure of times and requirements) Updated January 26, 2020