Christo’s Famous Photo Contest

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Christo’s Famous Pizza
20 Holden Street
North Adams, Mass.
(413) 662-3500

Years from now, pizza lovers will agree that this is where North County Style originated.
Taste for yourself Sunday – Thursday, 10 – 9; Friday & Saturday, 10 – 10.

Enter your photo for a chance to win first prize — a large pizza with up to three toppings. CLICK HERE.

Winners are announced in our weekly newsletter, PRISM — SUBSCRIBE HERE.

Below are the entries of hopeful area photogs submitted with the aim of interpreting this week’s theme :


THIS is one of these expressions that’s pretty value neutral. People say it as they recall the good times, the bad times, the steamy times, the scary times. We invite you to interpret the expression any way that puts a wall or walls as the focal point of the shot or in some way a main character. Find something out there that makes an interesting subject for a photo because of how easy is the connection to make in the mind’s eye. As always, please keep the special photo effects to a bare minimum. Good Luck!

This week’s entries so far:

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